For those Wing Chun students wishing to take their training further we have a variety of options including Private Lessons, Seminars, Training Camps and Hong Kong Training Trips.
Private Lessons
Private lessons are available with Sifu Marcus for faster development or if you are unable to attend classes. These are run on a one to one, or small group basis.

Regular training seminars held by Sifu Marcus and Master Billy Davidson, are available to students in either Hebden Bridge or Manchester. The range of seminars on offer cover aspects of the entire Wing Chun System from understanding Open Hand Forms (Siu Lim Tao, Chum Kiu and Biu Tze) to Chi Sau (sticking hands), and training techniques from the Wooden Dummy, Long Pole and Butterfly Knives. To see a full list of this year’s events including seminars please click here.

Training Camps
Weekend training camps and other Ching Mo training events are currently run by Master Billy Davidson. This is a fun way to learn and interact with other students at all levels in the Ching Mo Wing Chun School. To see a full list of this year’s events including Training Camps please click here.

Hong Kong Training Trips
Ching Mo students have for many years had the opportunity to travel to Hong Kong and train with the Ip Ching Ving Tsun Athletic Association. Trips are organised through the Ching Mo Wing Chun Association. To see a full list of this year’s events please click here.

We are part of the Ching Mo Wing Chun Association.