Welcome To The Combined Arts School In Hebden Bridge

We teach classes in Wing Chun Kung Fu and Qi Gong.

Wing Chun Kung Fu is one of the most popular Chinese martial arts in the world today. It was made famous by late Grandmaster Ip Man.

Qi Gong is a system of Chinese practices for health with an emphasis on internal energy building and refinement.

The Combined Arts School was established in 2006 by Marcus Watts and has been teaching the Chinese martial and internal arts ever since. We are situated in Hebden Bridge, near Halifax in West Yorkshire.

Our aim is to be an inclusive, open and friendly organisation providing traditional training for students of all ages and backgrounds.

Please have a look at what we offer and get in touch if you have any questions or would like to book your first lesson.

We are part of the Ching Mo Wing Chun Association and an affiliate of the Lotus Nei Gong School.

Wing Chun Kung Fu

Originating in Southern China but made popular in the West by the teaching of Grandmaster Ip Man from the 1950s onwards in Hong Kong, Wing Chun Kung Fu (also known as Ving Tsun) is one of the most popular forms of Chinese martial art in the world today.

Wing Chun is a Chinese martial art that develops the mind and body through learning simple and effective self-defence. It is a practical, efficient and economic system that emphasises an understanding of natural body mechanics when dealing with an opponent, and not the use of sheer muscular force.

The benefits of learning Kung Fu include:

  • Better flexibility, strength, and coordination.
  • Improved concentration.
  • Improved mental wellbeing, self-esteem, and confidence.

Click the links below for more information on:

Wing Chun Kung Fu Code of Conduct

We are part of the Ching Mo Wing Chun Association.

Qi Gong

Chinese Health Exercises, known as Qi Gong (pronounced ‘Chi Gong’), have been practiced by people from all aspects of Chinese society for thousands of years from martial artists and spiritual practitioners to those looking to maintain or improve their health.

The key difference between Qi Gong and most other forms of exercise is the intimate connection created between the mind, breath and body during practice. Refining our posture, alignments and breathing allows the practitioner to improve the efficiency of their own energetic body, benefiting their health and creating a deeper internal awareness so often missing in our busy daily lives.

Sifu Marcus Watts has studied Qi Gong with a variety of different teachers. He is a qualified Qi Gong/Nei Gong teacher under the Lotus Nei Gong School of Daoist Arts.

Click the links below for more information on:


Wing Chun Kung FU Class Times
  • Open Class (All levels from beginners to advanced) – Monday 7pm-8.45pm.
  • Open Class (All levels from beginners to advanced) – Wednesday 7pm-8.45pm.

Regular attendance of a class is the most effective way to begin your Wing Chun training.

Minimum age for Wing Chun classes is 16.

Wing Chun Kung Fu Classes
Wing Chun Practice
Qi Gong Class Times
  • Tuesday 9am to 10am. (All levels from beginners upwards).
  • Friday – 9am to 10am. (Intermediates upwards).
  • Friday – 10am to 11am. (Beginners upwards).

Minimum age for Qi Gong Classes is 18.

Qi Gong Class
Qi Gong

If you would like to try any of our classes please contact Sifu Marcus Watts BEFORE ATTENDING for information on availability of places.

Please note that the minimum age limit for all classes is eighteen years of age.

Private Lessons

Private lessons in Wing Chun or Qi Gong are available with Sifu Marcus for faster development or if you are unable to attend classes. These are run on a one to one, or small group basis.

For information on prices please click here.


It is not a good idea for your health, or the health of your fellow students to attend a class when unwell. Students with any signs or symptoms of COVID 19 Corona virus, Flu or colds will not be permitted to train in class. They should follow recommended health guidelines and seek medical advice if appropriate.

We are part of the Ching Mo Wing Chun Association and an affiliate of the Lotus Nei Gong School.

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